Foklore Festival

The Folklore Festival shows itself again this year in its most beautiful costume. During the weekend you can enjoy folkloric performances in the village and on the mountain - 30 associations are involved.

Foklore Festival

What started in 1969 as a small parade has become the largest cultural event of the summer in Zermatt. Different Swiss folklore clubs and groups display their traditions with music, traditional dress, dances and colourful costumes from a nostalgic age. The highlight is a major parade through Zermatt on Sunday where around 1,000 participants make part of it. There will also be music and dance presentations, children’s activities and games as well as refreshments. The entire proceeds from this year’s event will be contributed to the Zermatt Youth Fund. Every franc raised will help the youth in Zermatt to fund a variety of local projects.


The programme boasts a variety of events:

  • Yodel mass in the parish church of St Mauritius
  • Presentations by the groups and refreshments on the festival ground and church square
  • Folklore parade through Zermatt
Period / Time:
10/08/2024 - 11/08/2024 Saturday, Sunday